
Monday, March 19, 2007

Scandal Threatens Gonzales

There are retorts to the White House firing of United States attorney's for political reasons that are made by the same people who did the firing.
Their main defense is the claim that President Clinton committed the same act during his presidency.

It is standard procedure when a new president takes office to clean out most if not all of United States attorney's. President Reagan did the same thing during his term and so did Bush senior.

These firings took place during key court cases involving republican cronies and appointees.
The attorneys fired for negligence or lacking performance quality also rated the highest among all 50 states for quality and performance.

This wasn't the "cleaning house" that all presidents do when coming to the White House.
This was a pick and choose policy based on party self surivial and desperation.

When asked on Meet the Press this morning if he "had any evidence that a U.S. attorney was removed and that removal jeopardized an ongoing investigation," Senator Schumer said he does and that the evidence is "becoming more and more overwhelming."

This is why the prosecutor purge is a genuine scandal. Not only is there clear evidence that the firings were unprecedented and purely politically-motivated, but Alberto Gonzales lied about it under oath and the White House keeps changing it's story. What conclusion can we draw from these lies and revisionisms other than they have something to hide? Namely, that these eight prosecutors were selectively fired because they did not sufficiently politicize their offices and succumb to pressure to do so, only later to be fired for "performance-related" reasons despite receiving exemplary evaluations.

Books you must read!
Grand Old Party, a History
Pale Horse-William Cooper
Hubris-Jim Marrs

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