
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

White House won't say if Boehner's Mafia Connections will be investigated for leaking classified info.

Brian Kennedy's remarks to distract from John Boehner's Mafia Connections
Submitted by Anonymous on 7 August 2007 - 1:18pm.

Brian Kennedy's public statements to describe CREW and Melanie Sloan were utterly classless and don't extinguish the fact his boss leaked classified information for political purposes! Every American needs to understand the ramifications of all this! I am head of government operations for Immtec, Inc. which is inventor of the smart wallet in NIST's Biometrics and Security Systems and Applications program. Solely our biometric credential wasn't tried in federal identification credentialing programs, despite ours was ready for deployment 2 years before the biometric smart card.

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Beginning in 2002 I became aware my calls were being eavesdropped on. I could hear people coming in on the call and on occasion when the call was solely of a personal nature, their leaving the call. My friends and family heard the eavesdroppers coming and going, too. We believed it wasn't legal, but it was the government and its contractors eavesdropping.

In November of 2002, weeks after the GSA illegally banned Immtec from federal procurement because of our monopoly-power which isn't a legal excuse to ban a contractor from supplying the federal government according to Federal Acquisition Regulation, I came home from a vacation with a parent to a broken window and on another floor a new TV with a broken circuit board.

That was the beginning of the incessant home invasions and while I didn't know what they looked like, I was very certain there were 10 mm and smaller cameras within my house. I was using dial-up and if I left the computer upstairs to do things in the kitchen, my laptop would disconnect from the Internet despite I had it set to keep running.

This even happened if I stepped away for just 1-2 minutes to do something unrelated to my work in the house. Someone knew my movements within my house! By 2003 I was waking-up in the middle of the night to the sound of my laptop dialing the net, or finding it already done and Immtec files I had stored to hard drive opened. I began to disconnect the telephone cord from the internet when I wasn't working at the computer.

In 2003 I dated a guy who wasn't being nice and since actually because I daily was being hacked, I operated using 3 laptops. His photos were taken-off of those laptops by NSA people and I found a file added to my computer had sneaked photos of my family and Immtec documents to NSA contractors. I talked to a detective in a local precinct about my fear there were cameras in my house including my bedroom. No one in the county PD had experience with 10 mm and smaller cameras to be able to identify them! The detective checked and could find no electronic surveillance search warrant but thought my suspicions were correct because of many reasons I gave as proof beyond what I gave above.

The detective and I didn't know what to do. There was some kind of trap added to my telephone box that Verizon and MCI repair persons couldn't identify and a funky dial tone I had would never go away! The Verizon and MCI repair persons never had heard such a thing and they always left my home with the telecom problems unresolved and wigged-out!

Eventually my family and friends, including Immtec's CEO began to label me paranoid and delusional so I dropped the subject. Still, every time I went away in 2003 and 2004 my burglar alarm sounded. By the first half of 2003 we had removed my name and email address from Immtec's website because of the non-stop home no one will find me there and I live across the country from the company's headquarters.
It is me who knows the government market for Immtec, not the CEO and to get to me people must go through him and know to ask for me. I was always away at government conferences in D.C. and my presence there and not in New York could be verified when the home invasions occurred. I learned in 1/04 that my burglar alarm was only sounding within the house, and that an NSA contractor had taken over my ADT central station contract.

In early 2/05 my grandmother was hospitalized and by then central station was again getting calls when my alarm sounded. Every single time I went out (didn't miss one time!) over the next year my burglar alarm sounded and as usual, there was nothing missing.

During that year I watched extensive changes come about in my utility closet linked to my telecom and electrical. I kept coming home to finding high hat lights unclipped...a bathroom I don't use have a light left on, etc. My mother is on my central station contact list and she got the same calls I did from central station. My family is close with people who work for one of NYPD's surveillance units. They didn't know what to make of the situation, either! Their reply was that their calls and emails were being eavesdropped on.

They couldn't help themselves so had no way to help anyone else. It all seemed illegal, but the federal government was doing it anyhow.

In 2/06 my furnace crashed and with it the government's illicit camera system crashed, too. I had electrical surges throughout my home non-stop that my neighbors didn't have beginning in 2003 and it resulted ultimately in an overloading of the interior electrical lines that were only 19 years old. The furnace, my bedroom TV, my stove, dishwasher and nearly every alarm system contact broke and I got an explanation to why certain electronics/appliances were persistently broken in the past after repeated repairs.
To this day, my gas stove is broken where if I leave the circuit breaker turned-on its 4 burners keep igniting incessantly when the burner knobs are turned off...where of course, illicit cameras are always on! From something that is rather technical that I found in my bedroom TV menu system I no longer could deny there were cameras in my house.

In December of 2005 the NY Times broke the news on the NSA surveillance programs and by Jan of 2006 my sister, mother and friends were vehemently apologizing for having labeled me delusional and paranoid.

They knew I was apart of the illicit NSA programs. By the 2nd week of Feb of 2006--the week after I no longer could deny there were cameras in my house because of all I found once the furnace crashed and took much of the house's appliances/electronics with it, US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was admitting to the public there were other White House spy programs the president didn't know about that involved the White House's control over the NSA. By 4/06 these programs commonly became called the NSA Black Ops.

Most of the cameras were removed from my home by people who didn't set-off its alarm (there were 2 in my own bedroom) when I went-out for the day over the next couple of months. However, on May 25, 2006 I was out for the day again and my burglar alarm sounded. With a trained eye I came home that night and found a camera in my office TV. I went apesh*t in phone and email communications over the next 1 1/2 days and on the morning of May 27, 2006 (a Saturday) a 5th mass layoff was announced at the White House. The layoffs had started in early March of 2006.

I thought all the cameras were out, but they missed one that I found in my living room a year ago June. On my final trip up the ladder to cover the camera with opaque tape I broke a finger. I had been forced to give-up my health insurance as a cost-cutting measure. When the finger naturally healed, it healed wrong! I also suspected a switch added to my utility closet controlled the camera systems. My electrical bill was triple what it should be and when I threw it off, it sounded as though I had turned-off my main. My electric bill temporarily dropped but is again triple what it should be sending only what God and the NSA knows off via satellite!

The real skin-crawler of all this is who the surveillance was done for! In December of 2001 Immtec was offered a 100 % financing package by the Russian Federal Government. The CEO at first said no because with Putin having snatched control of the Kremlin the year before, democractic reforms had taken some major setbacks. Immtec's CEO feared our credential would be linked to data mining programs so that the Kremlin could be Big Brother.

In January of 2002 the CEO learned from western European bankers that they didn't know what the catch was, but that the Russian Mafia which was controlling the Kremlin, had begun to invest in legitimate companies as shareholders.

In 2002 the US had its own Big Brother program within DARPA. While DARPA could have attached any identification and payment credential to its Total Information Awareness program later renamed Terrorism Information Awareness program, naturally DARPA chose to attach to its data mining program the credential it knew respected privacy most and was most secure so that Americans couldn't have their identities stolen. DARPA selected Immtec's platform to attach to the data mining program and then members of Congress under investigation or already convicted began to abuse that to force Immtec to accept the Russian financing offer that hadn't yet disappeared and later in 2005 and 2006 buyout offers were made on Immtec to broker it to the Russians.

The 2006 offer was made the morning Dustin Foggo, the former # 3 at CIA had his office and home raided. Last August a leak from US DOJ's D.C. Grand Jury convening to address all Foggo and Cunningham's conspirator # 1, Brent Wilkes' crimes told the duo were being linked to Russia...but I already knew that!

Foggo and Wilkes were behind a coup within our French office that involved the installing three CIA straw men and a South African shell company posing as an investment company, set-up to run the French operation into the ground. Before that, they took down a German operation and before that, they took down our US RnD operation. When we decided to accept a 15 mos old German financing package in 11/04, Tom Ridge was fired with the first explanation given to Fox News because Ridge had failed to fund the next-generation of technologies.

Michael Chertoff is even dirtier than Tom Ridge! Chertoff continues to work for Latham & Watkins, his former employer and has told the DHS Office of Strategic Plans that was set-up to integrate Immtec's platform (In 12/04 General Hayden told Fox News that Ridge had failed to dedicate staff to medium and long-term planning and that was why, too, he couldn't be given another chance.) into the DHS' programs that it isn't permitted to consider new ID credentialing platforms for that office's five year plans.

Latham & Watkins has a giant operation in Russia, aided the Kremlin in setting-up Sitronics (Cheney's son-in-law, Phil Perry who formerly lobbied for Lockheed Martin was apart of this conspiracy) to infringe on Immtec's intellectual property in the EU, and also has Lockheed Martin as its largest lobby client.

Lockheed Martin in order to secure contracts in Russia was forced to get between the sheets with the Russian Mafia and carryout as a concession their agenda in the US. Lockheed became a Russian company long before Congress gave control via earmarks of every DHS program to Lockheed! Lockheed awarded contracts only to tech suppliers who had accepted the Russian financing Immtec declined or were publicly traded so that the Russians could buy-up majority interest in those companies. Since, Lockheed bought most of those companies so it now is awarding contracts to itself! This is why it takes up to 9 minutes for a Lockheed biometric smart card to authenticate an individual and there is a 25-50 % error rate. The acquisitions were done mostly via stock swaps so the Russian investors have become giant shareholders in Lockheed!
At the end of July of 2006 the sleazy Wilkes contract to run Immtec's French operation into the ground was taken-over by Lockheed/Latham & Watkins. This past March 1 the French operation filed for bankruptcy. France was 6 hours ahead of DHS headquarters time at the time. When Michael Chertoff set the drivers' license to minimum standards thereby scr*wing Immtec out of our leadership post that same day, he didn't know we already had replaced the French operation. All our stolen source code the straw men managers gave to Lockheed to infringe in the US on Immtec's platform no longer is valid. We also changed the design of our wallets to blow away what Lockheed obtained as stolen goods!

Michael Chertoff has told the DHS Office of Policy they aren't to speak with inventors. It is easily read between the lines that they then will only speak to infringers. Courtesy of Michael Chertoff just about every single DHS contract was awarded to companies with the Russian Mafia as majority shareholders. Known within DOD Intelligence circles is who the financiers and trainers are of 911 and homegrown terror cells.
How better to pick-up defense companies' shares dirt cheap than to create chaos on Wall St. on September 11, 2001 and in its aftermath?

How best to keep the DHS buying the solutions as a repeat buyer that the Russian Mob is majority investors in than to siphon-off some of the profits gained from how our taxpayer dollars were spent, to fund more homegrown terror? With Michael Chertoff as DHS Secretary this vicious cycle where our attackers are financially rewarded will continue!

Nearly every single DHS Secretary either worked for Motorola or for its lobbyists/litigators. Motorola is about to infringe on a portion of Immtec's platform as it applies to cell phones, 8 years after we began the patenting process in the US! The current patent bill under consideration is to favor companies such as Motorola so that it can trample on Immtec's pending patents without any repercussions! Motorola is a fine Russian company.

It's been doing business there for years and like Lockheed, had to carryout a Kremlin-agenda in the US to secure business in Russia. Apple was mentioned as one of the supporters of the pending patent bill Congress has introduced to quash the patent rights of inventors. I have a 15" Powerbook that when it was 5 months old went for service for a power charging problem. It came back with an illuminated LCD.

Then Apple refused to honor its service contract that came with the Powerbook for one year, the extended contract I bought, NYS' 90 day consumer electronics repair law, as well as already qualified under NYS' electronics lemon law. That Powerbook remains under service contract until 5/25/08, but it continues to have an unilluminated LCD. In small claims court the first judge ascertained Apple had engaged in industrial sabotage and it also came out it was for the purpose of industrial espionage. The first judge couldn't believe what she was listening to from the Apple store manager's mouth! The second judge when we went to trial is in big trouble and will ultimately be disbarred for taking a bribe!

Not only did Apple see what was stored on my hard drive because it won't accept a notebook for repair without its hard drive, but Apple also keeps a record of every email a person sends on its servers even if the person is using a mail program that didn't come with the software programs preloaded into the notebook. As for Microsoft's support of the pro-Russian patent bill, I was using a Microsoft developed mail program on the Apple and in fact on Windows-based systems until last November.

Dell supports the bill...Immtec's CEO always has used Dell computers and periodically they have required repair. Microsoft, Apple and Dell are nothing but a bunch of predators taking advantage that Immtec management was smart enough to say no to financing offered by nonsupporters of Democracy! That is one of many things Islamic militants have in common with the Kremlin. They both oppose Democracy! Two enemies of democracy teamed together against a common enemy. One has the money and training to implement attacks against western Democracies and the other has the will to die while carrying them out!

Not only does the current patent bill stink of Russian Mafia influence to make it easier for their representative companies to infringe on Immtec's platform, but the current Real ID rewrite bill does the same! The Real ID bill before Congress right now won't consider Immtec's platform since our ID isn't a card and the bill clearly says card! This is what the Russians want since Immtec won't let them have our source code like all our predecessors in federal credentialing programs did, nor will we permit them to have a financial incentive to continue to carryout attacks against the US and its allies.

As for Boehner...he's a Russian mob operative. Everything he has done with regard to legislation and his vote record proves so! Christopher Cox, the current SEC chairman has carried-out a Russian mob agenda in his post and he's abused that post to go after one of my family members who for 41 years on Wall Street never heard a peep out of the SEC. The attack from the SEC happened within 36 hours of a blog I posted telling what Cox did to Immtec, where the blog was being featured by the Washington Post.

Before the SEC Cox was apart of the conspirators to call Immtec's platform the TIA technology in congressional hearing transcripts when he was Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. (He committed plenty of acts while on the Financial Services Committee as Chairman, too, to benefit the Russians!). Again, TIA is a data mining program and it is up to the legislative branch how much spying is done. Such spying is done on government servers and hasn't a thing to do with Immtec!

Congressmen such as Ney, Doolittle, Young, DeLay, etc. also were apart of the conspiracy. In Ney's plea deal Russian biz execs gave him chips in London casinos and he left the casinos with the exact amount as winnings as was due on his credit card bills. Doolittle has clearly been linked to the Cunningham and Abramoff probes where it already came out in the press 1) that Cunningham met with Wilkes and Foggo in 7/05 and the Russians, 2) that a similar meeting that included Cheney meeting the Russians happened in 1/02 and 3) Abramoff and Edwin Buckham had Russian clients.

Young's policy toward identification credentialing programs was matched to Abramoff's which was a Russian policy designed to force Immtec to accept the Russian financing. Abramoff also did plenty of work for Lockheed behind the scenes at his last job. Stevens...he's linked to Lockheed which is the same as being linked to the Russians. The connection is through the Alaska for the Kenai River charity event where Lockheed is one of its main sponsors. Young and Stevens were authors off last year's transportation bill that prohibited anything better than the biometric smart card to be considered by all transportation application identification credentialing programs. It was announced last October by the House's Intelligence Panel that Cunningham's earmarks granted Wilkes control of nearly every government grants program's evaluation process! By doing so, Wilkes could find emerging new technologies, and then deny them funding so that they became desperate and accepted Russian Mafia financing instead!

Boehner...he just loved the Abramoff gifts and campaign money that originated from the Russian mafia where Abramoff was the conduit...the money launderer for the Russian Mob. Much of that money came from siphoned-off energy and homeland defense profits made the by the Russian Mafia!

Boehner would jump through any hoop for that Mob money and do anything they wanted of him!!! I spent more than 3 1/2 years being cyber gang raped by NSA and White House staff, experienced 3 attempts on my life in 2004, still am paying outrageous electrical bills, need my entire house rewired with electrical that now is only 20 years old but full of so many cuts that I had a fire that fortunately stayed contained 6 months ago, can't have my furnace and appliances repaired until the house is rewired, am reminded with every dish I handwash of the cyber gang rape and how the illicit images from my bedroom were posted to the internet in attempt to have law enforcement take me into custody in 2/06, had Dept of Social Services sent to my home on false pretenses to have me committed to a state asylum (had a funny ending when a DoSS supervisor and psychiatrist knew I was legit and pleaded that no matter how bad things get I not give into the Kremlin)...and Boehner was one of the supporters of this to benefit the Russian Mafia which were behind 911 and are behind the financing of homegrown terror cells!

It should be of no surprise Boehner leaked classified information for political reasons and I can take a pretty good guess that the reason why FISA didn't approve two so-called terrorists from being eavesdropped on is because they're not terrorists but patriots that have faced the most immense of problems because members of Congress such as Boehner are traitors working for the Russian Mafia! Judging by how members of Congress such as Boehner had the US declare Immtec and its management its enemy as a reward for our patriotism to not sellout to the Russian Mafia for already more than 5 1/2 years while Boehner and the former RNC membership acted as Russian mob operatives, I can envision the CEO and I are Boehner's 2 alleged terrorists! There now is surveillance of me...protective surveillance and it's not being handled by NSA's contractors w/operations that might be affected if Immtec's platform is adopted from earmarks such as was the case in the past! The main reason for all the NSA's surveillance programs of controversy wasn't to catch terrorists! It might have been sold on the President as that, but the true purpose was to give companies working for the Russian Mafia such as Lockheed, Brent Wilkes' companies, etc. intelligence information on companies such as Immtec so that they could repeatedly sabotage one Immtec operation after another!

Members of Congress such as Boehner had those earmarks passed to enable the illicit industrial espionage to benefit the Russian Mafia...US enemies!!! Boehner is one of the many members of Congress who blackballed Immtec and mislabeled its management as terrorists so that not even how we appeared in our birthday suits in the confines of our own bedrooms could be kept a secret! Of course, there was no arrest through the illicit surveillance because the CEO and I aren't terrorists! Again, the purpose of Boehner and the former Republican leadership's earmarks was simply to aide the Russians and their representative companies in the Kremlin's desire to control Immtec's platform!

Immtec was stalked in the US so the CEO fled to Germany. We were stalked in Germany by some phony State Dept officials so he fled to France and then Immtec was stalked in France! Boehner was one of the members of Congress that facilitated this with the intelligence contracts awarded to Lockheed, Wilkes and their subcontractors! He knew what was going on and he wants the FISA law to be changed so that the Republican Intelligence Panel members can resume their industrial espionage of Immtec. I am sure it is killing them that they don't know where our new RnD operation is! They made a deal with the Devil and so long as Immtec remains open they haven't fulfilled the deal! Hence, Republican intelligence panel members have expressed a preference to go to jail longer reflective that they weren't yet indicted and think they're going to beat the rap!

Whereas someone like Stevens who actually has engaged in sleazy real estate deals for about 3 decades (we have common friends and his investigation reminded me of something I learned in the past) is 83 and will die in jail if he doesn't die before he makes it to least I know with confidence that Boehner because of his age will be spending his entire future sentence in jail! His aide Kennedy's remarks are simple BS and Boehner's big mouth on Neil Cavuto's show opened a Pandora's Box that is going to get him caught that much faster by federal law enforcement!

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