
Thursday, January 27, 2011

The difference between Democrats and Republicans

What is exactly the difference between Democrat and Republic in politics?

  1. Deeply religious in a conservative sense (No gays marriage, Pro-Life, etc) -Anti-Government (Don’t like a big government, with lots of procedures and social programs that they believe clot up the system and aren’t as effective as a free market economy)
  2. Pro-Business (Less taxes, less government regulations of business to help those businesses compete globably, etc)
  3. Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps; (Don’t like social programs because they feel that they just give handouts to people who could ’easily’ be working for the money they are getting for free instead.)
  1. Varied religiously, however feel religion doesn’t have a place in politics and government: (Believe that God should not really be an issue in politics, other than perhaps a mild basis on ethics and morality of interactions between people, but in no way used as a condemnation of an individual.)
  2. Pro-Government: (Want programs to help those who need help, poor, or confused, believe that it helps the economy because it also gives jobs where they may not exist without government employment.
  3. Anti-Pro-Business legislation: (While still being for a free market (although this is varied), most democrats believe that regulations are essential to making sure that businesses don’t overrun public property with polution or create monopolies of a market.)
  4. Pro-Social programs: Believe that people need help from time to time, and that giving a little government aid hasn’t hurt anyone to dearly since most of that money is spent within the area that the money came from.
I personally think Republicans give too much power to corporations which leaves little power for the people to fend for themselves without having to depend on large industry for their needs. Creating a nanny state through the corporations. Democrats tend to be a 'big tent' party meaning they do not vote along party lines making it difficult to make sweeping changes. Each party is necessary for the our nation to stay in balance. We are a republic that votes as a democracy. It is a difficult scale to balance.

Yet we have made this far.

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