
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"If A Democrat Said The Sun Rises In The East Republicans Would Say It's A Job Killing Sunrise!"

Political strategists have chosen it as the Word of the Month.

Whenever you hear a Republican say 'Job-Killing' remember that he doesn't actually mean Health insurance reform.  It's pure political rhetoric.

Unfortunately, many voters find politics confusing so they latch onto particular words as if they were flotation devices in the ocean.

A better approach for voters would be learning how to think.

Allowing politicians to manipulate you with magic words.

A private sector job is not dependency.

'Dependency' is yet -another- phony Republican magic word. It has no connection to reality.

When a father has no job and has no insurance because of Republican policies, THAT'S dependency. When Obama strengthens the economy and that father gets a private sector job and when insurance reform makes health insurance for his family affordable . . .

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