
Thursday, August 04, 2011

What Has America Become?

I will dissect this article without much effort.
But primarily, it is sophomoric.
  • Whites can talk about blacks all they want.
  • I sat in the smog check station yesterday and bitched about blacks and whites with a black guy.
  • We even ragged on Obama.
  • They do nothing for the victims?
  • A free attorney is provided for the victim and criminal.
  • Over 200 People who have been in prison for 30 or more years, have been found innocent through independent DNA testing.
  • What did the courts do for them?
  • They don't teach that it is ok to be gay in school, they teach not to hate others for their differences.
  • Do you know how many children Bush killed in Iraq?
  • More than planned parenthood.
  • We are all socialist.
  • Do you get a check from the government?
  • Without Mexicans, your tomatoes would cost $4 each and that's just tomatoes.
  • Does anyone actually believe that Jesus would take this position?
  • Not a chance.
  • If you protest against Obama's policies you are a terrorist?
  • This guy, and most "christian" conservatives, have a short memory.
  • It was the Bush administrations that said "if you are not with us you are with the enemy."
  • I think Rumsfield said it but the administration repeated it for years.

I'll skip the nativity comparison.
This guy didn't graduate high school, I'm sure of that.

*He's comparing Katrina to the Gulf Oil Spill.
Are you kidding?

Finally, "What happened to the land of the free and the home of the brave?"

Am I free to be who I want to be?
Mexican, gay, christian, democrat, republican, Independent?
Yes, I'm in America, not some third world country.

Is this the land of the brave?
Do all of our troops vote the same? Are they all one religion?
No. Are they still brave? Hell yes!

Does it take gut to go against the establishment and fight for those who have little or no rights?
Always. Both sides of these arguments are brave to some degree.
And both are right to some degree as well.
The world works because of balanced ideologies, not one sided dogma.
The difference between me nd most people I know, is that I lived with black people, I know gay people and so I have less false concepts of them.

Right or wrong, they are people and Jesus loves them all equally, without hesitation. If he were here right now, he would have a long heartfelt talk with the author of this editorial about compassion and love.

And remind him that he was tortured and died on the cross so that this guy would have to freedom to chose.

-Dennis M. Sweatt

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