
Monday, October 24, 2011

Occupy Wall Street for the 99%

OWS is fighting for you whether you like it or not. The goal is to get money out of politics and take gambling out of banking. OWS isn’t going after a figure head like a president, the Teaparty got that one wrong. Congress holds the power, congress makes the law, congress goes to bed with lobbyist and wall street.

No matter what party you belong to those with the money will continue to move jobs overseas, write the tax code to favor themselves and leave us to starve in a a nation that has spilled blood and gold to make it safe for these bastards to do business.

No ideology, no matter how strongly you believe in it will keep us safe from the elite funneling money out of our great nation.

So long as we maintain this left, right, you are wrong, I am right toxic conversations, we remain indentured to to this financial coupe.

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