
Monday, November 28, 2011

The Attack on Christmas is Not a Real Thing

To the silly people complaining about the "Attack on Christmas." Since "Christ-mas" has nothing to do with a Christmas tree, or Santa, or black Friday, I think you guys need to get a grip on your own religion. Decorating a tree is a Pagan tradition.

It just bothers me that hypocrites constantly feel attacked about their beliefs but always have rationalizations about why they are not good Christians. They blame everyone else but themselves while they send Xmas cards with Santa or Frosty on the the front. Any "Christian" who has let their child hunt for Easter eggs has participated in a pagan ritual that according to the bible are satan's works and a sin.

They forget all about the guy on the cross when they are in Wal-Mart buying crap they don't need then put themselves on the cross as martyrs for an over commercialized holiday.

On Easter we never say happy resurrection day. We hunt eggs, a Pagan ritual of fertility. Do right wing Christmas enthusiasts believe this is a left wing conspiracy too? No one is attacking your beliefs, they are helping you to find reality.

But go ahead and keep blaming the devil for declining congregations and rampant sin in an unjust world. Just keep telling yourself while you cower behind your plastic homage to a pagan induced ritual, that everyone else is at fault. While you, with your unjustified righteous indignation, pass through this Earth crowned in a store bought, unsanctioned halo made in China, bestowed upon you by a child molesting preacher.

This isn't a Question of God, this is question of honesty and critical thinking.


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