
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chief Justice John Roberts demanding action on Clarence Thomas

Your activism continues to make an meaningful impact in the halls of Capitol Hill.
Just yesterday, Rep. Louise Slaughter delivered the signatures of over 130,000 CREDO members to Chief Justice John Roberts demanding action on Clarence Thomas for failing to report the source of his wife's income over the last 13 years.
Over 90,000 CREDO members signed petitions asking their representatives to co-sign Rep. Slaughter's letter to Chief Justice John Roberts. Then CREDO members followed up with nearly 4,000 calls asking them to sign.
In the end, 51 representatives joined Rep. Slaughter's call for an investigation into Clarence Thomas's unethical behavior.1
The activism of CREDO members was critical in building momentum for other members of Congress to sign on to Rep. Slaughter's letter, and the fact that so many representatives decided to support the investigation into Clarence Thomas shows that your activism really does make a difference.
Rep. Slaughter praised the role that you and other CREDO members played and she sent us a note of thanks for us to pass on to you:
"CREDO Action members have played a huge role in our efforts to hold Clarence Thomas accountable. Thanks in part to your efforts, 52 members of Congress co-signed the letter to Chief Justice John Roberts, along with 130,000 citizens. I thank CREDO and its activists for joining me in the call for an ethics investigation of Clarence Thomas."
CREDO will continue to work to hold Clarence Thomas accountable for his unethical actions.
Thank you for you activism.
Ali Rozell, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
P.S. We will be launching a campaign next week to demand that Clarence Thomas recuse himself from hearing the Supreme Court case challenging the constitutionality of the health care law. If you'd like to take action now, you can sign the petition by clicking here.

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