
Friday, December 23, 2011

The GOP Failure of 2011

The GOP has blocked almost everything the president has proposed for 3 years. Their only goal is to make Obama a one term president and it is costing all of us a balanced, working capitol hill and the sanctity of the democratic process. It is immoral to campaign with the power of law making but it is traitorous to do it for 3 years.

This has driven the confidence in every branch of government into the the depths of mistrust. Taking both parties down with it. This Fox News based, reactionary, divided nation, ideology is a seed of destruction. The GOP retook The House with promises of jobs, jobs, jobs. Where are they?

Any group who took part in a blatant anti-American activity would be tried for TREASON, and that is exactly how I view the behavior of these loathsome republican'ts, as treasonous!

Republican'ts aren't even pretending to do anything other than block procedure and choke participation in the democratic process. They would rather turn the US of A into a third world country in less than 5 years, than let President Obama be the great president he's more than capable of being.

Now more than ever we need hard term limits, so we can rid our government of these self serving career politicians who do NOT represent their constituents or do their jobs, and only strive for re-election and to line their own and their corporate owners' pockets with ill gotten taxpayer dollars.

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