
Thursday, December 08, 2011

Why We Must Work Together To Pass The OCCUPIED Amendment

Corporations are not people and they do not belong in our elections.

In recent months, Americans across the nation have demonstrated, protested, and occupied cities across the nation. But for far longer, corporations have occupied Washington and our state capitals. We can achieve lasting change by working together to pass the OCCUPIED Amendment. It is time to give our government back to the people.

The OCCUPIED Amendment will end corporate influence in our elections by:
Overturning Citizens United and outright banning the ability of corporations to use their profits to influence our elections.

Making clear that corporations, as well as entities formed to represent corporations — are not real, living people with rights protected by our Constitution. They are entities established under our laws and thus subject to our laws.

Reasserting the authority of Congress and the States to crack down on anonymous third party groups flooding our elections with malicious attack ads and to limit campaign contributions and expenditures by individuals, candidates, and all types of private entities.

Read More about H. J. Res 90:

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