
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Republicans attack law against domestic violence

Dennis, click here to tell Republican senators to stop trying to weaken laws against domestic violence and sexual assault.

Republicans have decided it isn't enough to try and defund Planned Parenthood and to prevent birth control from being covered by health insurance plans. Now they are attempting to weaken laws against domestic violence and sexual assault.

The Violence Against Women Act was first passed in 1994, providing billions to enhance investigation and prosecution of violent crimes perpetrated against women. It was most recently reauthorized in 2005 by unanimous consent in the Senate.

It's up for reauthorization again, but this time it received zero Republican votes in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Why? Because Republicans want to throw out provisions in the bill protecting victims who are LGBT or undocumented, slash funding for enforcement, and eliminate entirely "the Justice Department office devoted to administering the law and coordinating the nation’s response to domestic violence and sexual assaults."

I'm sure it's all just a coincidence Republicans are going to the mat to weaken laws against domestic violence and sexual assault, to end funding for breast cancer screenings, and to keep health insurance plans from covering birth control. No war on women happening here.

Click here to sign the petition telling Senate Republicans to stop trying to slash the Violence Against Women Act. We'll deliver the signatures.

Thanks for all you do,
Laura Clawson, Daily Kos

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