
Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Republic was Formed to Protect Moneyed Classes

Written by Allen Harris

Actually the republic was formed to protect the moneyed classes and the property owners. 

The early colonists turned Americans could only vote if they were able to prove they were land owners. The liberals don't pretend anything, they are made up of the minorities that are fast becoming the majority and will be hands down the majority by 2014. That one fact scares the repuublican right shitless. and they are right to be afraid because the laws of this country, the constitution entitles the majority to make the rules everyone has to abide by. 

The republican party may never be able to recover from the disasters that started to snowball this last November and will only escalate during the 2014 elections. Trends and polls tend to indicate the republicans will lose several governorships, state legislatures and of course control of the House of Representatives. It isn't a very bright future for the conservative extremists, for the moderate conservatives the world should not change very much, although the republican extremists are gaining in numbers the party itself is growing smaller. This is a fact and no amount of railing against fate or doom saying will change the momentum that is currently with the liberals and will only grow more irresistible with time.

Republicans are not idiots per se, democrats are not idiots either, but it is the extremists of both parties that are responsible for our current government malaise. But it just does not matter because there is a historical imperative at work here and the white America of our forefathers no longer is changing into something very different as we speak. 

Even so, that is the way of things, change is inevitable and this change is moving the majority into the hands of the former minorities and those minorities are not conservatives, they are liberal and socialistic. Cry, swear and pray all you like that is the future and it will be much better for the vast majority of our people than the recent past has been. 

Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth. The very first republican president said that and he meant it; his name was Abraham Lincoln, and he died for what he believed in.

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