
Friday, October 27, 2006

McNerney Leads Pombo in Latest Poll in CA-11

For the first time in a while, Kos actually posted an article on the Pombo-McNerney race, and it’s very, very good news. Kos reports this morning that Greenberg Quinlan and Rosner now have Jerry McNerney ahead of Pombo, 48 to 46, with 6 percent undecided, and a MoE of 4.9%. With the MoE, the race is clearly a dead heat, as this analysis points out.

» Fifty-two percent think Pombo “puts corporate interests over the people’s interests.”

» Forty-six percent think Pombo “is too close to lobbyists,” while 29 percent say he’s not.

» Forty-three percent think Pombo “is too close to oil and gas companies,” while 31 percent think he is not.

“Pombo remains in poor standing with voters in his district. Voters in California’s 11th Congressional district do not like their Congressman. As a result, they continue to support the Democratic challenger over the incumbent. With time running out, Pombo is in real jeopardy of losing his seat.”

That’s the biggest smackdown I’ve ever seen from a POLLSTER!

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