
Thursday, May 09, 2013

Conservatives Enforce Morals On The Rest of Society

Conservatives want to enforce their morals on the rest of society, because it's a religion. But they object to others not believing it.
And I don't believe it. But you object and call me an atheist and blame us for the decay in society.
  • You tell me its wrong to kill babies, then go to Iraq and do it anyway.
  • You tell me its wrong to kill babies, then stop legislation to provide birth control.
  • You tell me its wrong to kill babies, then stop background checks, even if it would only save one.
  • You tell me our people shouldn't have died in Benghazi, but reduced funding for embassy security months before.
  • You tell me to stop blaming Bush but you continue to blame Obama even after Bush made the same mistakes, and worse.
  • You tell me conservatives have a better plan for the nation but all I see is obstructionism, which is the opposite of governing.

If even one right wing congressman makes a move to create jobs, like more than a thousand, I will eat his hat.

But that might make Obama look better, so nation last, politics first.

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