
Thursday, May 09, 2013

Dear Conservative Obstructionist

During the hearings on Benghazi, we have learned that aide was withheld for political reasons - By THE REPUBLICAN HOUSE MAJORITY!

Conservative obstructionist: You only read ideologue based reporting, you only get half the truth with your mind already bent towards Obama having an 'evil soul.' As much as you pride yourself on analysis can you claim pure devotion to fact when you already perceive people in power as conspiratorial?

I have found shortcomings in my own approach but one of those weaknesses is not excepting what left or right wing media tells me to think. I strongly resist evidence or the conception of events presented by the right wing. But by watching and reading "conservative" media, I have been able to dissect your mind set.

You have an obtuse view when it comes anything or anyone not far right enough to hate Obama and those liberal, lefty, socialist, communist, atheist, libtard, American hating, United States Citizens. Therefore you cannot espouse clarity when it comes to issues concerning the nation.

"You are speaking through a bullhorn and listening through a filter, nothing gets in and the same stuff always comes out."

I am not above reproach, but I allow for the people I vote for to fail and hold them to the fire. For example; I believe drone attacks must stop! They are too indiscriminate. Obama has hired an ex Monsanto guy, a lobbyist. I have signed over 300 petitions since 2003 against Bush's decisions and against Obama's.

I am not a left wing ideologue. But its easier and requires less effort on your part to lump me or anyone else in that presumed category when they show the least amount of affinity to a left wing (seeming) concept.

But I have learned that the world doesn't work in black and white, right or left. Those who have power will use whatever it takes to keep power and become what they think we want them to be.

And how they do that is divide us and give us demons.

Because you believe Obama to be some communist, socialist, devil spawn, all of his choices must be as well. Only simple minded people or sheep think in those myopic terms.

I did. I hated Bush with all my will after 2003, but there my hate was at least reasonable. He failed repeatedly to deliver on his promises after standing on the rubble in New York after 9/11. There was actual proof of his constant missteps, his disingenuous character, and his persistent poor choices.

I learned to hate, Bush the right wing president, hating him because of what I assumed must be wrong, and of course I must be right. I looked for his mistakes, longed for his failure, joyed in his descent. This was my failure of intellect, and morality. This is what sheep do, what the sheep herders want them to do, divide and fail.

The president, congress, lobbyists, the Pentagon are pawns in the game. We are arguing over the rook and if he should have made a different move. We are wasting time! We are doing what the Chessmen want us to do. They divide, and we conquer ourselves by degrees.

Obama is an administrator who can't even hire a judge without going through congress. Does he have power to war, yes. Does he have the same power Bush had, yes. If Bush made the same mistakes you cannot claim that you would be as disturbed.

Congress lives only to be reelected.
Whoever backs them, own us both. What does that have to do with red or blue. That has to do with green and gold.

I want to do more than just hate power. I want to do more than just bitch about power and get together with friends and bitch about power.

If you believe god has a plan and you also understand that no man knows the plan, then you should be living with optimism not pessimism.
If you have a heaven to go to, a place like no other where you will know only love, why would you despair about the workings of men on earth? That job belongs to god.

I know this is a long letter but I think our shared love of country strong enough to speak to truth.
This is mine.

-Dennis M. Sweatt