Saturday, January 05, 2013

If A Woman Has A Gun She Won't Get Raped?

Okay, time to help GunBillies think again - because we all know they can't think five minutes into the future. "If a woman has a gun she won't get raped." 
Now we all know that if you haven't got that thing available and loaded and off safe every second, that doesn't work. And if all the women get to have a holstered pistol on their hip - so do the men. Do women stalk men down alleys or wait for them in dark corners? Oh, don't even bring up prostitutes - because I will eat your brain on that, too. 
 Now ask any woman, with shopping and work and kids to deal with, if she wants to be doing it in an armed war-zone every fucking minute. Or do you really think it will be more fun for women to live like it's occupied or war-chief Afghanistan?
Guns do not stop rape if the rapist has a gun. But maybe if the the rapist shoots the woman first there wouldn't be a rape. So they may be right. That is assuming she can aim the gun under the influence of a date rape drug.
Like any mom wants to carry around a loaded gun while also hoisting around a toddler and two bags of groceries. Yeah, like that's not a tragedy waiting to happen. 

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

The Tea Party: Alienating American Voters

Written by: Allen Harris

Interesting country we have here, slightly more than half the people are generally pleased with almost everything and slightly less than half are continuously appalled by nearly everything. 

But the clear trend is toward the current majority and that majority, a growing majority is displeased with all things conservative. The polls are indicative, but the trends are crystal clear. The hard core Tea Party members took a serious hit this election and the ultra right conservatives did as well. 

None of those people predicted what actually happened and that was because they were believing their own propaganda, so now they are fighting a losing rear guard action that even they know they are going to lose. Alienating the majority of American voters is not conducive to anyone's agenda and that is what is currently happening. 

My advice to the American people is simple; work it out among yourselves and if congress does not agree with you, vote them the hell out of office. That is what I believe will happen too. New groups and new coalitions are forming as we speak and none of them are particularly conservative. 

Perhaps we should take a page out of the Iceland book of political extremism.



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