Thursday, August 19, 2010

Two big mistakes by Constitutional Defender Rush Limbaugh

We have a tremendous Obama honeymoon lineup today, with a look back to the conservatives' wild weekend and a look ahead to the battle for your dollars and mine. The fallout from Rush Limbaugh's fevered "address to the nation" continues. The battle for the GOP's "soul" continues.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party appears to have gained the Big Momentum of Big Ideas (despite the aspirations of Republican worthy Newt Gingrich). That puts the Obama/America Honeymoon Status Advisory System (explained here) up a step to: Kissy-face.

But beware. As famous Communist Karl Marx said (or it could have been famous Communist Leon Trotsky), every movement carries "the seeds of its own destruction." Good warning for overreaching Democrats, but funny that should come up, since the right-wing attack is based on the assumption that the progressives want to make America socialist (the "U.S.S.A." — get it?).

The real issue is not ideology but strategy, and we'll look at the Obama budget that way. But first, and it's unavoidable, let's see where El Rushbo, defender of the Constitution, went wrong. UPDATE: And how he now is taking the Republican Party and its elected leader down with him.

After the break.

The Conservative Political Action Committee's huge confab climaxed in a Limbaugh speech that rivaled Bill Clinton's notoriously "droning" debut at the 1988 Democratic convention, where he went into overtime in nominating Michael Dukakis. Although Clinton only tripled his allotted 10 minutes, it seemed at least as long as Rush's four-fold extension to 80 minutes.

But here's the key to El Rushbo's speech. In receiving the CPAC's culminating Defender of the Constitution award, he MISQUOTED the Constitution.

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